For as for long as I can remember I wanted to be a doctor. I wish I knew how or why I developed the interest but it might have had something to do with my dad who happened to be one. I should say I had a good start, my basic education being in at Akosombo International School with highly qualified and dedicated teachers who brought out the best in us as students.
I must say I was a pretty good student and won a few awards for myself. Looking back I was very serious with my studies, sometimes waking up at dawn to study for my exams. It seems funny now… waking up at dawn to learn long division, story problems and the like but then it was serious business for me. I wanted nothing but maximum scores and so I worked for it. This was further facilitated by the discipline I received at home. At home, there were strict rules on time for TV, playing, siesta and studies. I’m the last of 6 kids and so my elder siblings always came up with ways to bend the rules sometimes to their breaking point and then you would face the music. Just writing about this brings such fond memories of my childhood.
Secondary school was another ball game altogether. I did not get the course of my choice so I settled for my second option which was general arts in order to study architecture. I was fortunate to attend a very good school… Wesley Girls High School and although I went in to do general arts, I came out with a science certificate! A few weeks into secondary school an exam was held for students who wanted to study science but were offered other courses. So I studied and wrote and by God’s grace I found myself in a science class. I must say I still wonder what I would have been if I had stayed in the arts class. But at that point I knew it was meant to be. Once again, through hard work, discipline and great tutors, I completed with good grades.
I applied to the university and I was to offer biological science for 2 years and then compete with about 600 other brilliant students for 75 spaces in the medical school. It didn’t come easy. Must have been the 2 most stressful years in my life but once again God was faithful and I made it into medical school. Finally I was in … Where I had always wanted to be and just at the right time! I thought I could finally breathe a sigh of relief, the Interim Assessments began and there was barely time for anything aside studies. Extra effort had to be made to have any kind of social life and a balanced one for that matter. 66 months after I entered medical school, I graduated a medical doctor and a proud one at that.
Looking back I realize what I wished for that I never had was a guidance counselor; someone who could help me make informed decisions on issues concerning my career, goals and aspirations. Someone who could help me develop my talents even better, and someone to look up to. I was blessed to have great parents support me through my career path, hope everyone will be as blessed. It’s been an incredible and rewarding journey to becoming a medical doctor. I have said before and will do always… God has indeed been faithful!